Honey And Water, The Secret Ingredients To A Successful Belly Fat Diet

All things in this world have a weakness, and even Superman himself can be stopped dead in his tracks with a strategically placed piece of Kryptonite. When it comes to a belly fat diet, there is no surer way to guarantee its ultimate downfall and untimely demise than the sugar cravings of the dieter who is currently subjecting themselves to the belly fat diet program. If you have a sweet tooth, (perhaps even a sweet mouth) then it is more than likely that is the root cause for all of your excess weight woes, and which will also be the root cause for all of your non excess weight loss woes as well unless you get it firmly into control.

Part of the problem is that many people, when they decide to engage in a belly fat diet try to go cold turkey, i.e. swearing off their favorite foods and refraining from enjoying even a single item of junk food. For most people, they can keep this up for a short time only before they cave in, and seek their next fix. Never underestimate the human mind nor its pathological need to conform to a routine. If it is the sweetness that you miss, then you may want to make the switch from white, refined sugar to honey. Totally natural, healthy and best of all: actually nutritious, honey is an excellent stop gap solution until you get your sugar cravings firmly under control.

Earlier on, we identified that the human psyche is programmed in such a way that it needs a routine, stability and structure in order for it to safely function. Whilst this can be a negative (when faced with temptation) it can also work to our advantage, in that if we replace our negative, counter productive habits that will jeopardize the efficiency of our belly fat diet then we need to ensure that replace them with proactive habits that will help. I do not just mean the dramatic and flamboyant, such as exercising four times a week, but rather, things such as drinking an extra glass of water a day, or chewing your food more slowly. Slowly but surely take small steps and then work your way upwards.
Keep this up, and you will be amazed after a few weeks the total transformation you have managed to achieve, in particular, the adherence you have kept to your belly fat diet.

Are you having trouble getting rid of your stubborn stomach fat? Philip Murphy has helped hundreds of people get rid of their Stomach Fat Permanently Sign up to receive his free ebook at the following address http://www.Lose-Stomach-Fat.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Philip_S_Murphy

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7253596

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