Bee Venom For Your Old Dog

Bee Venom For Your Old Dog
Has your dog grown old? Is he losing interest in those activities in which he was previously interested? Is he getting up late? Is he reluctant to go out for walks? Is he.....? All these symptoms show that he has grown old. There is no need to feel sorry because aging is a natural phenomenon that happens in every living things slowing down the regular activities of life. You should be glad to know that an ancient therapy is giving your dog a new life. The whole credit goes to the Father of Medicine Hippocrates who mentioned it as an arthritis remedy.

How many of us know the benefits of bee venom which is scientifically termed as apitherapy? An ancient therapy which have been known for thousands of years prove to be an effective supplement for older dogs with impaired mobility which was initially used for joint pains in human has now migrated to pet treatments with effective results. Such treatment reflected how important honey bee is. We benefit not only from honey but also from honey bee venom. Melittin, apamin and peptide 401 are active components with proven anti inflammatory actions that are found in bee venom prove to be an effective supplement for older dog with impaired mobility. Such dogs are either stung by bees or injected with bee venom to increase their mobility without any significant side effects.

Recently this primitive treatment of injecting venom has emerged with a new approach of oral treatment with similar benefits. Bee venom taken orally in the form of a capsule or in honey originated in New Zealand few years ago. With this new approach in treatment thousands of dogs with impaired mobility have found a new way of living. Even those dogs suffering from Hip Dysplasia can also be cured with such treatment. In other words we could say that bee venom is a boon for the joint problem patient including the canines. The working of bee venom depends on the normal production of natural cortisol by the adrenal gland of your dog that assists blood flow throughout the body. Important elements in bee venom increase blood flow to affected joints, carrying away wastes and supplying nutrients besides inhibiting the production of prostaglandins which increase joint inflammation. There are no side effects; the cortisol levels remained higher even after the dog stopped receiving bee venom treatment.

It is delightful to see our pet recovering and amazing to find that even the dogs can understand the changes in them and they eagerly


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