Live Bee Removal - Is it For Me?

Live Bee Removal - Is it For Me?

When you have a bee problem on or around your property, it can be a tough decision on how you are going to handle the situation. If you are reading this article, you may be on the fence about some of your options (hopefully not the same fence your bees are on).

Well, if you are looking to preserve our environment or against cruelty to insects or interested in the "green" movement or even have the slightest care about the future of the place we live, then a you may be jumping from the fence on to the side of a live bee removal. Congratulations, you are the person that knows how important bees are to our environment and what health benefits they provide to humans or you know about the harmful chemicals in pesticides that are released around your home during a bee extermination.

Of course, there are a few other things to consider before you call a bee removal company. So if you haven't jumped yet to either side of the fence let's go over these factors in detail to help with your next move.

Can I Remove the Bees Myself?
The internet provides tons of articles that swear bee removal can be done by any individual and that they can guide you through the steps for a successful removal. Think again? Sure, you may be able to get to the nest and capture some of the bees but can you contain them and get them to a beekeeper or prevent them from coming back. Many people have tried numerous unsuccessful attempts to perform a live bee removal. Bee removal is a specialty service and one must have the appropriate tools and protective gear while knowing how to appropriately remove the bees and honeycomb so they won't come back.

In some situations, it is necessary to cut into the walls or roof of a structure to get to the bee hive so knowing how to do home repair is a mandatory skill. Getting your home back to its original condition after the surgery can be tricky. Generally, a bee removal company carries the tools to repair your home and have it back to normal after the job.
If you have witnessed this type of job from a professional company, you may have thought, "They made that look so easy," but easier said than done with enough practice and experience the most complex tasks can be overwhelming.

Is Bee Removal Expensive?
The upfront costs may be more expensive than just getting some gear and supply from the store but think about the expensive medical bills for the treatment of bee stings and venom if stung and the cost of more supplies if the bees come back and you need to do a re-treat.
Also, if not all the honeycomb is removed from inside your walls or rood or the hive is left untouched for a prolonged period of time, the honey will soak into your walls and cause significant damage to your home. Also, other pests will be attracted to the remaining honey from the hives causing another pest infestation that you will need to take care of.
So think of a bee removal as an investment to your property and protection to your health and wallet.

Do I need to save the bees?
Well, you may have heard of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), where the bees are believed to be decreasing in population and the cause has not yet been determined. Corporations are investing large sums of money to put an end to CCD so why not put a little of your own to save the planet.
This point is brought up again to stress the importance of bees to our environment. Why should we save our bees, you ask? Bee pollination contributes to the growth of about 1/3 of all foods we include in our diets. Without bees most of the products we buy at the grocery store would not be available. A live bee removal allows the bees to be transported from your property to a local bee keeper so they can continue their part in our world.

Bees not only pollinate the earth but they also produce honey which is a complete food source for humans. Honey is believed to have a soothing effect on sore throats and boost immune systems to fight off many infections and diseases. Bee pollen is also used for many health reasons. Also, for centuries Chinese medicines and medical practices have used bee venom and their stingers to treat numerous diseases such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and tendonitis. The treatment is known as bee venom therapy or apitherapy and many bee venom users have found it very effective in reducing symptoms for diseases like the ones mentioned previously.

Now you have some facts on bee removals so why not ponder this for a few minutes and then call your local bee removal company to schedule a live bee removal. Live bee removal is like killing three birds with one stone: Save your home, save the bees, save the world!

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