apithrapy ?

Approach and modern millennium

Knowledge of the medicinal use of bee venom back to antiquity. Chinese texts dating back 2000 years to mention. Likewise, Hippocrates (460-377 BC.), The father of medicine, considered the venom as an ideal remedy to treat arthritis and joint problems. In the nineteenth century, the Austrian physician Phillip Terc, a pioneer of apitherapy in modern medicine, used bee venom to treat rheumatic diseases. In its report published in 1888 (Report about a peculiar connection between le bees tings and rheumatism), he reported no complications occurred during the 25 years during which he has treated over 500 patients suffering from rheumatism, and performed more 39 000 treatments.
Charles Mraz is also considered a master of apitherapy. He has practiced for over 60 years both as a beekeeper and therapist in the state of Vermont in the United States, and transmitted its know-how around the world until his death in 1999. In 1928, Franz Kretchy has developed a technique to circumvent direct bee sting venom by injecting a solution using a syringe. Although the approach is controversial, it has continued to attract interest. Several organizations, which include individuals as well as organizations involved in apitherapy and related fields, including the American Apitherapy Apitherapy.com and Society, ensure to transmit the most recent discoveries in the field (see Sites of interest) .
Data on the effectiveness of apitherapy rely almost solely on anecdotal evidence. There is no scientific studies have demonstrated that the therapeutic effects of a truly convincing. However, recent research has identified, in part, the venom components that are responsible for its action. It does contain some anti-inflammatory agents, including adolapin and melittin. Known to be 100 times more potent than hydrocortisone, melittin stimulates the production of cortisol, a steroid hormone that also acts as an anti-inflammatory. In general, there is agreement that these components have a tonic and stimulant, they strengthen the immune system and help to detoxify the body.

Allergy to bee venom
An estimated 2% (some sources say up to 5%) of the population seraitallergique to bee venom. However, in rare cases, this allergy can be fatal. Before initiating therapy, it is best to undergo an allergy test. It is also recommended to always have within reach an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen ®, Twinject ®).

Royal jelly

Royal jelly 

The healing power of royal jelly

Fresh Royal Jelly

Royal jelly is not known to people and  its healing power against all the diseases as well as its protection of the body are only underestimated.
Royal Jelly is not a plant derived bee product but a strict bee biological substance. It is a milky or almost yellowish liquid secreted from the hypopharangeal glands in the heads of the nurse bees, called also bees royal jelly and it is used to sustain the Queen throughout her life...



The miraculous healing  properties of propolis

 Propolis is a strongly adhesive resinous substance harvested by honeybees from different parts of plants such as shoots, buds and resinous exudates. Collected by the oldest bees, the resins are brought back to the hive and mixed with ax and salivary secretions before using to protect the hive against infection.

Called “bee glue”, propolis is used by the bees to varnish the hive interior, seal cracks and cement things together. Propolis is made by bees to protect the hive against the physical and biological factors affecting both bees and honey. These may include light, air and moisture which can change the composition... 



Healing diseases had usually retained the attention of mankind since man had been existed. There was some procedures for healing diseases throughout the history of man existence. Rather spiritual or physical, these procedures were invented by man for solving inherent health problems. The amputation was practiced several centuries before as a surgical measure for removing of a body extremity to control pain or disease process in the affected limb. Now we are thinking that medicine is being more sophisticated than before and this thought cannot be proved since the conventional medicine is not able to heal a lot of diseases as before. The ancient medicine could not solve the problem of thyfoid and tubercculosis and now the modern medicine cannot solve the problem of cancer, diabet, sclerosis and ... read more.


ALL APITHERAPY: PROPOLIS: Propolis The m iraculous healing  properties of  propolis  Propolis is a strongly adhesive resinous substance harvest...


ALL APITHERAPY: H O N E Y: Honey Healing diseases had usually retained the attention of mankind since man had been existed. There was some procedures for he...


L'apithérapie n'est pas nouvelle en soi, les Egyptiens du temps des pharaons connaissaient les vertus du miel et de la propolis, ils les utilisaient dans le processus d'embaumement, et probablement soignaient aussi avec, "les vivants".

Hippocrate* faisait de l'apithérapie car il recommandait le miel dans des préparations d'onguents ainsi que dans le traitement des plaies.

Avicenne* fut celui qui révolutionna la médecine et qui aux abords de l'an mil donna à celle-ci des bases modernes ..