Royal Jelly Does What?

Royal Jelly Does What?

I'm sure you have heard about Royal Jelly off and on for years. Yet it still is one of the most exciting ingredients on the market today.

There are claims ranging from healing broken bones and treating skin disorders to eliminating fatigue and liver diseases. A lot of interest in bee products for both treatment and prevention of various ailments are being shown by both medical practitioners and laymen alike.

There are two things regarding Royal Jelly most seem to agree on... and that is
1. More studies need to be made until the whole story is known
2. It is valuable addition to everyone's diet

It is a secretion produced by the young nurse bees as larva food and is fed to all bee larvae for the first 2-3 days of their lives. When a queen is needed for the hive, that larva is also fed Royal Jelly, however it is fed to her throughout her entire life.
This is the only difference between a queen bee and a regular bee, and the effect on the queen is amazing. The queen bee reaches maturity 5 days earlier than the worker bees do; and, when she is fully grown, her weight is double that of the working bee! She is much bigger, more robust, and lives 5-6 years compared to a working bee who lives only 35-45 days! She is fertilized only once, and then can lay up to 3,000 eggs per day for the rest of her life!
Obviously there must be something to this Royal Jelly! Nature has a way of taking care of us in ways we still don't comprehend!

In animal studies, it has demonstrated the capacity to extend life and has shown at a DNA level a positive benefit on cells and cell regeneration, connected with anti-aging and longevity. Based on many studies, Royal Jelly seems to prove effective on many physical ailments. Following are just a few of the benefits already uncovered: Helps with...
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Anorexia
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Liver diseases (hepatitis)
  • Pancreatitis
  • Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Kidney diseases
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Ovarian problems
  • Reverse the aging process
  • Stimulating and regenerating the nervous system
  • Accelerating the healing of fractures
  • Skin disorders
  • Promoting sexual rejuvenation

It contains proteins, glucides, lipids, hormones, enzymes, and mineral substances that may help in cell regeneration. Royal Jelly is rich in protein, vitamins B-1, B-2, B-6, C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, inositol and folic acid. And, you can add to that list, vitamins A, C, D, E and K.

Also found in Royal Jelly are 18 of the 22 amino acids found in the human body! It also contains an antibacterial protein named royalisin. This protein is full of amino acids and is said to be effective against "Gram-positive" bacteria, which includes some staph and strep forms.

As an aside, there will always be a very small percentage of the population that can have adverse reactions. Therefore, one should always be aware of their individual history when supplementing their diets.

Royal Jelly is sold in many forms including freeze-dried, jars, capsules and by being included in different formulations. Ancient Herbal Secrets proprietary formulas include this impressive ingredient as part of all of their internal formulas, which include Energy, Slimming, Detox, Rebalance, Stress Relief, Whole Health for Women and Men's Vitality formulas.
Diann Clark is co-founder of Ancient Herbal Secrets, an all-natural product company. Ancient Herbal Secrets carries formulas for Health, Beauty and Longevity which help to balance and harmonize your body.

These secret (Bi Bong) formulas have been recently introduced to the West. They have benefited thousands of people around the world. We feature Skin Care to Pain Relief, Weight Loss, Stress Relief, Detoxification and more.

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