What is Apitherapy and Its Benefits?

What is Apitherapy and Its Benefits?

There are literally hundreds of alternative therapies that are available for people to try. However one of the least known and probably accepted therapies if apitherapy. In this article we will look at what apitherapy is as well as the health benefits that can be gained from it and the possible risks to apitherapy.

What is Apitherapy?
Apitherapy is often also called bee therapy and is the basically the use of bee products to treat different conditions. There are a number of products that can have health benefits and be used in apitherapy and they include pollen, raw honey and royal jelly however the main one used is bee venom. The use of bee products and in particular bee venom dates back to ancient Greece, Egypt and China.
In fact it is believed that Hippocrates who is considered to be the father of medicine actually used bee stings to treat people for conditions such as arthritis. In addition in 1888 Philip Terc published a paper on bee venom and rheumatism. Today bee stings are used throughout the world as a treatment for a wide variety of different conditions and below we will consider the benefits that you could get from the treatment.

Health Benefits of Apitherapy
The different bee products have different benefits and can be used in different ways. Below we have put a list of the most popular bee products that are used in apitherapy and the benefits that you can get from them:
1. Bee Venom - this can be given to people as actual stings or can be given through a needle. Bee stings have been shown to contain substances such as adolapin and melittin which are anti-inflammatory substances and are thought to be more powerful than commonly prescribed products such as cortisol. For this reason bee stings are thought to be very valuable for treating conditions like arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism and tendinitis.

2. Bee Pollen - this product is high in vitamins and minerals and can be used as a nutritional supplement. In addition it can be a valuable treatment for people suffering from seasonal allergies such as hay fever. In additions some claim it can help with anti-aging and athletic performance.

3. Raw Honey - this is honey that has not been processed in anyway and is thought to be a source of energy. In addition it is believed to have antibacterial properties that could make it good for treating things like sore throats.

4. Royal Jelly - there have been a number of claims about the health benefits of royal jelly and some say it can help with things like fatigue, infertility, asthma, and lack of appetite. In addition studies have shown that it could be useful at reducing cholesterol levels. You will also find royal jelly in a number of anti-aging products such as face cream.

Risks of Apitherapy
There are a number of people who should not undertake apitherapy or should take extra care. For example if you have an allergy to bee stings then you need to take extra care. As many people may not be aware of the allergy it is important to choose a reputable therapist who will be prepared if you have an allergic reaction as they can often be very severe.

In addition people who have heart disease, hypertension, tuberculosis, or diabetes should make sure they avoid apitherapy completely. Honey should not be given to children under the age of one due to the possible bacteria in it and people who have a weak immune system should also avoid honey. Finally the recommended dosage for many of the bee products is not known so care should always be taken to ensure you remain safe.

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