Using Honey To Have A Better Night's Sleep

Honey is a fantastic natural substance that has been used since the beginning of history as both a stable part of our diet and for its medicinal properties. Studies have shown that the best honey to use is RAW honey or honey that has not been treated. Most of the honeys that you find in the supermarkets are 'commercial' honey that has been treated. This is done by heating the honey and then filtering it so that it looks cleaner and is more appealing to the consumer. The down side of this is that when you heat honey you partially destroy its yeast and enzymes which is how honey helps you. So if at all possible always try to buy and consume raw honey as it will be more beneficial to your health. Raw honey is readily available in whole food stores and health food shops, or purchased on line.

Over recent years a number of studies in both Asia and Canada have concluded that consuming honey is a great way to get a better night's sleep. These studies have found that honey works in a number of ways to promote better sleep. These are:

1. Honey helps your body release the hormone melatonin, which helps you feel relaxed and sleep better.

2. Honey also helps you to get a full night's sleep without waking up early in the morning. This is due to your body storing an adequate amount of liver glycogen to prevent or limit early morning release of adrenalin and cortisol. Adrenalin and cortisol are what your body starts to produce in order for you to wake up in the morning.

3. It has been found that honey also helps to stabilize blood sugar levels which makes it a very healthy alternative to sugar and a great choice for diabetics.

With this in mind if you're looking for a great night time drink to help you sleep how about:

A. Chamomile tea with 1 or 2 teaspoons of honey added or

B. A glass of warm milk with 1-2 teaspoons of honey added.

Both of these combinations make fantastic and relaxing before bed drinks. By using them you will be able to have a better night's sleep.
If you want more information on how you can get into a great nights sleep, please visit All Natural Insomnia Remedies:
Natural Insomnia Remedies! []
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Honey And Water, The Secret Ingredients To A Successful Belly Fat Diet

All things in this world have a weakness, and even Superman himself can be stopped dead in his tracks with a strategically placed piece of Kryptonite. When it comes to a belly fat diet, there is no surer way to guarantee its ultimate downfall and untimely demise than the sugar cravings of the dieter who is currently subjecting themselves to the belly fat diet program. If you have a sweet tooth, (perhaps even a sweet mouth) then it is more than likely that is the root cause for all of your excess weight woes, and which will also be the root cause for all of your non excess weight loss woes as well unless you get it firmly into control.

Part of the problem is that many people, when they decide to engage in a belly fat diet try to go cold turkey, i.e. swearing off their favorite foods and refraining from enjoying even a single item of junk food. For most people, they can keep this up for a short time only before they cave in, and seek their next fix. Never underestimate the human mind nor its pathological need to conform to a routine. If it is the sweetness that you miss, then you may want to make the switch from white, refined sugar to honey. Totally natural, healthy and best of all: actually nutritious, honey is an excellent stop gap solution until you get your sugar cravings firmly under control.

Earlier on, we identified that the human psyche is programmed in such a way that it needs a routine, stability and structure in order for it to safely function. Whilst this can be a negative (when faced with temptation) it can also work to our advantage, in that if we replace our negative, counter productive habits that will jeopardize the efficiency of our belly fat diet then we need to ensure that replace them with proactive habits that will help. I do not just mean the dramatic and flamboyant, such as exercising four times a week, but rather, things such as drinking an extra glass of water a day, or chewing your food more slowly. Slowly but surely take small steps and then work your way upwards.
Keep this up, and you will be amazed after a few weeks the total transformation you have managed to achieve, in particular, the adherence you have kept to your belly fat diet.

Are you having trouble getting rid of your stubborn stomach fat? Philip Murphy has helped hundreds of people get rid of their Stomach Fat Permanently Sign up to receive his free ebook at the following address
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Can a Honey Facial Mask Really Help Ladies Maintain Their Beauty?

Many believe that a woman's beauty is clearly on her face. They consider her facial skin to be the epitome of beauty and youthfulness. Women constantly face challenges when trying to maintain, heal and protect their faces. A honey facial mask is popularly used by ladies to eliminate skin disorders, fade spots and scars, regulate skin tone and restore normal moisture balance to the skin. Honey is obviously safe for human consumption. It is known to heal and rejuvenate the whole body. There is one problem, though, to be expected by those who eat honey to beautify their facial coat.

Honey will eventually improve your entire health but it will act very slowly with regard to restoration of skin beauty. It works fast when it is applied topically or directly to the affected areas of your beautiful face. Some people consider honey and royal jelly to be the best home remedies for all skin types. If you want to improve your complexion, you should eliminate all the ugly things that are plaguing your face with honey. When your face has acne, rashes, scars, black spots, enlarged pores and wrinkles, it certainly looks old and tired. This is called premature aging and we all hate it. With an effective honey facial mask, you can look young and pretty again. Do not be in a hurry to see good results. As with all natural remedies for skin, honey requires adequate time to change the way your face looks. If you expect to see changes too soon, you might give up and stop using your mask.

More to the point do not switch honey masks too soon. If you browse the internet now, you will discover very many effective honey masks. It is good to give each mask enough time to work. This is the only way that you will rule out the masks that do not work for you. Remember that one mask could work for someone else and fail to help you. In addition, you need to be sure what you want the honey facial mask to do for you. If you have mild or severe acne, stick to masks that are specially meant for you. Using a mask for normal or dry skin will certainly cause no changes. When deciding on what to start with, think about the availability of ingredients. Will you find all ingredients in your local area? Will they be completely organic and safe for skin?

Since honey will be your chief ingredient, ensure that it comes from a reliable source. There are honey products in many internet stores. It is therefore advisable to focus on websites that have cared to publish testimonials from real human beings. Besides, reading product reviews will naturally direct you to the best honey producers in your country. By the way, a honey facial mask is not only ideal for ladies. Men who have disorders like acne, excessive dryness, wrinkles, spots and other blemishes can use it. If you follow instructions carefully, for every mask you want to try, you will always pick honey for your skin.
If you want to find out more information please click here.
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Honey and Weight Loss

Honey and weight loss are often associated. Why is honey a smarter choice than table sugar if you are watching your weight and what you eat?

Refined dietary sugars lack minerals and vitamins and are often called empty calories. They draw upon the body's nutrients to be metabolized into the system, and when these nutrients are depleted, metabolizing of cholesterol and fatty acid is impeded, contributing to higher cholesterol and promoting obesity due to higher fatty acid on the organs and tissues. The good news is that honey, a natural sweetener, on the other hand, contains 22 amino acids and a variety of minerals essential for its metabolism and hence is helpful in preventing obesity. It is believed that drinking lemon juice with a little honey the first thing in the morning is an effective anti cellulite treatment as it helps to increase body metabolism. If you are determined to shed weight and speed up your sluggish metabolism, try this honey and lemon diet tip. If you like, another very popular recipe associated with honey and weight loss is a drink that uses honey and cinnamon as ingredients. Many people have found this home remedy very effective in losing pounds. The steps are easy: Dissolve half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder (or ground cinnamon) in a cup of boiling water. Stir the mixture and cover for half an hour. Filter away any big particles and add a teaspoon of honey. Take it in the morning with an empty stomach about half an hour before breakfast.

For people who tend to overeat or feel discomfort in the stomach after meals, honey can be taken for better digestion. Honey is a simple carbohydrate that one safely take during fasting because it contains easily digested sugars. Foods that are rich in sugars or complexes of sugars are carbohydrates. How the sugars are arranged will determine whether we call a food a source of simple or complex carbohydrates. When sugars are bound into rows, as they are in starches such as whole grains and legumes, they are called complex carbohydrates. It takes the body much longer to digest the sugar from a complex carbohydrate.
The latest theory based on the hibernation diet also builds a link between fructose-rich honey and weight loss. It suggests taking a generous spoonful or two of honey at night, either as a warm drink or straight from the jar, and promises to help us sleep and lose weight at the same time by fuelling the liver, speeding up fat-burning metabolism and easing stress hormones.

And if you are considering artificial sugar or sweetener like Aspartame to help you lose weight, you are putting yourself completely on the wrong track. It might get you off from a few calories but it gives you a bunch of other serious health problems. Read about this sweet poison in The Silent, Sweet Killer -- Aspartame

Ruth Tan runs the popular website Benefits of Honey which is an immensely rich, quality resource on honey and its benefits, and a plethora of health-related issues. Discover the amazing health benefits and all the positive spin-offs super-food honey can bring to your life and the lives of your loved ones at
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How Much Bee Pollen Should You Take? Read On for More Information!

Have you ever wondered how much bee pollen you should take? If you have, then it's time to get started on educating yourself about what this pollen has in it along with what it can do for you.
Bee pollen is still growing in popularity in the United States, but there are many studies being done in European countries where it is used every day to help patients fight prostate problems, cancer, diabetes, and much more.

What Amount is Right for You?

Asking if there is one set amount of bee pollen that is right for everyone isn't a fair question because no matter what nutritional supplement we are talking about, the answer will be different for everyone.
Medicines are the same way too, because not every patient will need the same dose. The only way to know for sure is to start taking it and find out.

The beauty in using pollen is that it is all natural, and it contains much of what your body already produces along with some things your body doesn't produce but desperately needs. Therefore, pollen is not known to interact with any medications, and it is not known to have any side effects.
Many confuse pollen with what happens when someone gets stung by a bee. Bee venom is what causes those reactions, but pollen isn't actually from the bee, so its components are different.
The only way to know with 100% certainty is to take the minimum dosage and see how you do. If you take it and you have zero reaction, then by all means go ahead and continue to take it. Those who take it in granule form can put these under their tongue, and it will absorb into the bloodstream right away. This means that if you are going to feel anything, you would know within minutes. If you get no negative reaction, then use another granule and see if anything changes.

Theories on Reactions to Bee Pollen 

There is a theory that suggests pollen may contain some ragweed because pollen is typically collected from flowers or other "flowering plants". Ragweed can cause itchy or sore throats, and runny nose too, but you need to remember that this is coming from the Ragweed and not the pollen.
Pollen has been used successfully by many to help get relief from their allergies, and there are theories that the success comes from taking bee pollen that is native to your area. Again, the only way to know for sure is to try it.

In conclusion, the answer to how much bee pollen you should take is different for every person. There are no known reactions to medications and it contains much of what your body makes already, but it also contains vitamins and minerals your body needs. As always consult with your doctor before you try anything new.
Health, Fitness and Wellness Expert Lang Know uses his experience with bee pollen supplements to help others who want to learn more about this natural wonderful supplement.
Now, he's revealing his top secrets to improving health with bee pollen, so you too can benefit from an increase in energy, and live longer. Go to and let Lang show you step-by-step, how bee pollen can help improve your health!
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Amazing Health Benefits of Natural Honey

The benefits of honey definitely go beyond its yummy taste. Since ancient times, people have used this wonder food to treat various health conditions.

Back then, honey was very rare and expensive and only wealthy people could afford it. But as it has become more accessible these days, it has also been more and more processed to make the end product much cheaper. Yes, it's inexpensive but all those processing reduces its beneficial effects. Pure natural honey is still the best choice if you really want to get the health benefits from eating honey. It costs a little bit more than ordinary honey, but its benefits are truly worth its value. Let me share to you some of the amazing health benefits of natural honey. Here are some of them.

1. It helps boost energy. Honey is known to boost energy and reduce fatigue. Its natural sugars is absorbed by the body quickly which gives it a quick energy boost.

2. It is a potent antioxidant. Natural honey is rich in powerful antoxidants which helps protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals, which inflict damage to the body at the cellular level have been shown to contribute to premature skin aging and various diseases such as cancer and heart disease. With regular intake of natural honey, you can minimize the damage that these molecules can inflict to the body.

3. It helps heal wounds. Natural honey may help reduce the healing period in people suffering from mild to moderate wounds. It promotes quick healing with minimal scarring.

4. It helps treat sore throat. Natural honey has antibacterial properties which helps kill bacteria associated with throat infections. This is why most professional singers usually take it to soothe their throats before and after their performances.

5. It helps treat symptoms of seasonal allergy. Natural honey contains a bit of pollen from the plants, so if you eat honey it will act as an immune booster which can help reduce your allergy symptoms. It's works like a natural vaccine of some sort.

6. It helps treat stomach ulcers. Natural honey helps soothe the lining of the stomach and destroys the bacteria which manages the symptoms associated with stomach ulcers such as heartburn, acid reflux and nausea. It also helps boost the immune system to protect the stomach from further attacks.

7. It aids in weight loss. Some people might not get the connection between the idea of eating something sweet and losing weight. Natural honey is a simple sugar and unlike refined sugar, it is packed with nutrients. It also helps speed up the body's metabolism which in turn helps the body burn more calories and lose weight.

Go organic today for your healthier future. Jem's Natural Living offers a wide assortment of eco friendly home products, organic baby products, organic food and natural health products.
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How to Test for Good Pure Honey

Honey is an extremely significant constituent for the growth of man's health. It is vital to note here that honey does not come in pure always. The quality as well as reality of honey should be judged before its use. Some assorted ways and tips are given underneath to make you aware about the good and pure honey.

Taste is a vital tip to judge the honey either it is good and pure or fake. First, the taste takes the honey in your mouth and the purity can be tested in a way given forward. When you will keep the honey in your mouth for a short period, you will sense a feel of burning in your mouth, which is the finest test to check the good and pure honey. The chemicals present in honey reacts in a particular way with the bacteria of your mouths that it makes your nerves to sense a feel of scorching. In any case, if the taste would not give you feel of scorching for some period, rather give you the sweet sense of taste you can review that honey is not good for you.
On the other hand, in appetizing the honey quickly, the taste must be sweet and sugary. The flavor must be giving you a sense of honey. Otherwise, it may consider impure for you.

You can test the honey by having it on your hand or else by touching it with your fingers. The pure and good quality honey will absorb little bits in your hands; it means that you will sense that honey have stuck to your hands even after a coat of washing. The honey will persist in between your fingers for a certain slight time and it will let you free from the suspicious of impurity.

The flow of liquid is termed as a viscosity. The good quality honey will have high viscosity and will not flow quickly. If you will put water in one glass and honey in the glass and let them flow, you will perceive that the honey will take much time than water. In the same way, you can differentiate the upright quality honey from the impure honey, which will have lower viscosity than uncontaminated honey. When you will allow it to flow, then anything placed in its way will be destructed as fiber or cord and low quality honey will be short of this observation.

The dissolving of honey in water is a noteworthy and easy method to test for the good and pure honey. The honey will be impure in a case if you would dissolve it in the water and it dissolved. The uncontaminated and good honey is free from this activity and will not dissolve in the water for the reason that of its high viscosity, etc.

Other several ways that you can use to test for the good pure honey are testing of chemicals, by blazing, by absorption, by testing sugar syrup in honey, etc.
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