Bee Venom Takes the Sting Out of Depression

I read a friend's blog the other day, noticing his positive perspective on life and the aging process. He never denied the passing of time or the creaking of knees or the bulging bellies that touch our thighs as we reach the floor to tie a shoe. Instead, he continues to see people, places, events and challenges through the eyes of a prepubescent child. He defies the cliché to "act your age!"
Deciding to act young is the precursor to feeling energetic, optimistic, passionate and creative. Depression is experienced as the opposite of motivation, drive, accomplishment and life. Fortunately for many this feeling is situational, not chronic, therefore slight changes in environment and lifestyle can usually be the springboard to a happier/healthier outlook.

Studies have shown exercise to raise serotonin levels in the brain making the world appear as a friendlier place. Family, friends and fun contribute to the "good feeling" hormone as well. Our spirituality which fosters faith, self-worth, love, and meditation enhances our brains ability to solve problems, accept challenges and rise to the occasion. Professional counseling may also be explored easing painful thoughts and feelings but a newly explored avenue from Belgium addresses depression, MS and dementia using honey-bee venom. It is being explored as a means of limiting the negative symptoms of depression and the characteristics of generalized sadness. "The toxin apamin, found in the venom of honey bees might hold the key to alleviating symptoms of certain disorders because of its ability to block the release of potassium from the nerves, which in turn makes those nerves 'hyperexcitable,' according to the Journal of Biological Study authors." The increased nerve energy assists with the individuals creativity and ability to learn.

Computer models and a genetic approach revealed to the researchers exactly where apamin binds in order to block the channel. Hopefully the researchers have discovered that apamin binds away from the channel pore, causing the shape of the channel to change, resulting in a block of the potassium. Natural bee venom therapy is several years from becoming mainstream medicine in the United States, however local Apitherapist would be more than happy to provide bee sting therapy as a means of controlling symptoms. It sounds a little strange, however the procedure has been around for hundreds of years initiating in China. Bee venom therapy includes a sting but the results will help take the "sting" out of the depression.

BTW - Sipping on a tablespoon of honey from the apiary will also help the "medicine go down".
Rhonda Crum holds a Master in Education and is the owner of Bee Honey Healthy where she explores bee products and its unique nutritional value for a healthy life.
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